Amateur Radio 160-Meter Experiment
160-Meter Experiment Will Explore Marconi's 1901 Transatlantic Success.
NEWINGTON, CT, Oct 5, 2006 -- A 160-meter beacon will take to the air this fall and winter from Cornwall, England, to explore how Guglielmo Marconi was able to span the Atlantic by wireless for the first time on December 12, 1901.
Radio history says that's when the radio pioneer at a receiving station in Newfoundland successfully copied the Morse code letter "s" sent repeatedly by his team in the Cornwall town of Poldhu.
The latter-day venture is a cooperative effort of the Poldhu Amateur Radio Club (PARK) in Cornwall and the Marconi Radio Club of Newfoundland (MCRN).
The Poldhu club's Keith Matthew, G0WYS, said the 2001 centenary of Marconi's achievement reopened discussion into the mechanism by which the 1901 spark transmitter signal propagated.
Amateur Radio across The Atlantic