Florence HamFest 2014
The Florence HamFest is an Italian Ham Radio Convention and Flea Market dedicated to Amateur Radio enthusiasts including Antique Radio, Boat anchors, military and surplus.
The only Ham Radio HamFest in Italy, exclusively and entirely dedicated to Amateur Radio.
Like last year it will be held in Spazio Reale, a local exposition and convention site, offering a large parking area, a 2000 meter square exposition area, Bar Restaurant and Pizzeria and Hotel.
During the morning will be held the second edition of the Ham Radio Home Brewing Contest, sponsored by ARI CRT, the ARI Firenze 50MHz Marathon prize-giving, and in the contiguous meeting rooms, some interesting workshops about Ham Radio Arduino Projects, AMSAT HAMTV, Presentation of World War II Enigma Machine, and CHIRP radio programming demonstration.......
Busy Italian HamFest