
New ISS Commander talks to Japanese Youngsters via Ham Radio

Tomioka Elementary School students answer questions from ISS Expedition 12 Commander Bill McArthur, KC5ACR, at NA1SS.

Representatives of two TV stations and 10 newspapers joined the audience of some 650 people looking on for the ARISS Tomioka Elementary School contact.

Expedition 12 Commander Bill McArthur, KC5ACR, works with the ISS Remote Manipulator System or Canadarm2 controls in the spacecraft's Destiny Lab.

Amateur Radio in Japanese School


Ham Radio Regulatory Changes Introduced in Australia

New Foundation License, Amateur Regulatory Changes Introduced in Australia

NEWINGTON, CT, Oct 26, 2005--Australia has introduced an entry-level Foundation Amateur Radio license and established a new overall licensing and certification structure. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) put the new regulations into effect October 19. Other rule changes combined Novice and Novice Limited licensees into a new Standard license class, and all Limited, Intermediate and Unrestricted licensees are now Advanced licensees with full amateur privileges. Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) President Michael Owen, VK3KI, welcomed the "long-awaited" changes--in particular the new Foundation license--and expressed the hope that they would encourage newcomers.

Amateur Radio Licensing in Australia

Radio Hams make it into Outer Space

AMATEUR RADIO on the International Space Station (ARISS) is used as an educational tool, promoting space and science in the classroom.

It provides back-up emergency communications for the ISS crew as well as day-to-day contact for the crew to talk to their families on Earth.

ARISS is funded by the space agencies as well as donations derived from national amateur radio groups and amateur satellite (AMSAT) special interest groups worldwide.

Four million amateur or "ham" radio operators worldwide enjoy a global friendship through their pastime. The Amateur Radio Service is recognised by governments and international regulatory bodies and must obtain technical qualifications in order to be granted a government issued licence and unique call sign.

Amateur radio operators have been at the forefront of disaster relief operations, providing vital life saving emergency communications after the Asian tsunami and hurricane Katrina when conventional communications infrastructure failed.

Amateur Radio in Space

Space Observations with Amateur Radio

Over the coming weeks this site will grow to provide interested visitors with information about an exciting new project in the UK Amateur Radio community.

Project SOAR (Space Observations with Amateur Radio) is still in it's infancy, and there is lots of work to do. The current UK Amateur Radio license T's & C's (BR68) prohibits the use of Amateur Radio equipment in airbourne vehicles.

It is hoped, that Project SOAR will be the first in the UK to use high altitude meteorological balloons to loft Amateur Radio payloads to altitudes in excess of 75,000 feet. The project coordinators are currently in discussions with OFCOM and the CAA and we will keep you posted of the latest news as and when it changes.

Enjoy your visit, and feel free to join this site to keep up to date. If you are interested in assisting in some way, please contact us.

Amateur Radio even higher 'on the air'


Amateur Radio and the Battle of Trafalgar

200th Anniversary of The Battle of Trafalgar.

BREAKING NEWS.....1,578 contacts made on the first day, 17th October, 2005!

To commemorate the bicentenary of The Battle of Trafalgar on 21st October 1805, the Cray Valley Radio Society will be operating a special amateur radio station from The National Maritime Museum, Greenwich for eight days starting on Monday, 17th october, 2005.

The museum opening hours are 1000hrs to 1700hrs, and admission is free. Members of the public will be able to see the radio staion in operation, making shortwave radio contacts with locations all around the world.

Visitors will also have the opportunity to sit down and exchange greetings messages with other amateur radio stations around the UK, and with overseas countries including Gibraltar, Malta, Canada and the USA.

With the approval of the National Maritime Museum, GB200T will also be active outside of public opening hours so that as many radio amateurs around the world as possible have the opportunity of making contact with the station. In total, GB200T will be on the air from 0800hrs (0700z) until 2200hrs (2100z) daily. Outside of public opening hours, the GB200T team will operate 'DX-pedition' style.

Battle of Trafalgar and Ham Radio

Loughton & Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society

The Loughton & Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society continues to meet fortnightly at All Saints House where we offer a comprehensive programme of activities and events. These include, lectures on a variety of amateur radio and associated subjects, as well as regular “on-air” operating sessions, and practical demonstrations.

We also stage, throughout the year, a series of amateur radio “Special Event Stations” from various public events, such as the Epping Forest Festival, as well as organizing regular field days for club members and guests.

And for those wishing to obtain a UK amateur radio licence, we provide tuition with weekend-long entry-level Foundation Licence courses at Epping, Essex.

Read more about the Club and it's Events


Ham Radio and the Military - ARMAD

ARMAD is an annual Amateur Radio Special Event project that stands for Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day. We work with National Military Appreciation Month during the month of May. Amateur Radio Operators from around the world team up during this joint effort to allow the people from our communities to gather at public locations such as shopping centers, parks, VA hospitals, and sporting events to express verbal positive support "LIVE" over the radio for members of the Military, Veterans, Reserves, National Guard, and military support groups. Many of us have friends, relatives, and neighbors that are active duty, and past members of the armed forces. ARMAD gives us the chance to support one another, and to express our thanks and appreciation to those that sacrifice and serve in the Armed Forces.

See it's History and Events


Amateur Radio - Worked All Britain Awards

The Worked All Britain Awards Group (W.A.B.) was devised by the late John Morris G3ABG in 1969. This was to promote an interest in Amateur Radio in Britain and to sponsor a series of awards based on the geography of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Since its inception, W.A.B. has grown through the voluntary efforts of many individuals. W.A.B. has many aims and has the motto “To assist others”.

W.A.B. aims to create more activity on the air by British amateurs and in doing so create friendships within the country and overseas. It is true to say that many lasting friendships have arisen through W.A.B. activity.

W.A.B. aims to improve and expand geographical knowledge of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Channel Isles. Indeed the W.A.B. programme has encouraged many people to travel to the more remote parts of the country. At the same time it has encouraged overseas interest and encouraged many people to visit Britain and have hospitality extended to them by British amateurs.

W.A.B. aims to help less fortunate amateurs and provides, when funds allow, donations to organisations like the Radio Amateur Invalid & Blind Club, QTI etc.

Read more about WAB here

Where in the world are all the Hams?

Following an article which raised questions about the worldwide distributions of hams and engendered speculation about the possible reasons for differences in Ham populations across countries, Bob Olsen, KK7WN attempted to shed light on these issues.

He collected some demographic data from various sources including the United Nations, the IARU, and various other professional research organizations.

Find out where Amateur Radio Operators are

EchoLink and Amateur Radio

EchoLink® software allows licensed Amateur Radio stations to communicate with one another over the Internet, using voice-over-IP (VoIP) technology. The program allows worldwide connections to be made between stations, or from computer to station, greatly enhancing Amateur Radio's communications capabilities. There are more than 162,000 registered users in 157 nations worldwide!

Take a tour and find out more


Civilian Space Traveler "Phones Home" via Ham Radio

NEWINGTON, CT, Oct 10, 2005--During his eight days in space, Greg Olsen, KC2ONX, the International Space Station's third civilian space traveler, touched base via ham radio with students at three high schools, including his alma mater. He spoke October 5 with Princeton High School in Princeton, New Jersey, October 6 with Ft Hamilton High School in Brooklyn, New York, and October 7 with Ridgefield Park High School in Ridgefield Park, New Jersey. Olsen, who lives in Princeton, was born in Brooklyn and graduated from Ridgefield Park High School. One Princeton student wanted to know how much less time would pass on the ISS than on Earth due to relativity.

Ham Radio from Space read more Civilian Space Traveler "Phones Home" via Ham Radio


Ham Radio Operators To The Rescue After "Katrina"

Often unsung, amateur radio operators regularly assist in emergency situations. Hurricane Katrina was no exception. For the past week, operators of amateur, or ham, radio have been instrumental in helping residents in the hardest hit areas, including saving stranded flood victims in Louisiana and Mississippi.

Read more on how they helped Ham Radio Operators To The Rescue After "Katrina"


Islands on the Air - Ham Radio for Islanders

IOTA or Islands on the Air to give it its full name, has encouraged thousands of amateurs in recent years to get active or become more active on the amateur bands. It has created an additional real live interest in "ham radio", particularly for the many amateurs who live on islands. The aim of the programme, after all, is to encourage contacts with island stations around the world and, since so many people live on islands, its appeal has been wide-ranging and perhaps a little seductive. The advent of light, easily transportable equipment has offered a wider amateur community possibilities for having fun with pile-ups that were seldom available to them 20 or more years ago. You could share in this fun - come, join one of amateur radio's most prestigious activity programmes!

To read more about IOTA go to Islands On The Air


Royal Signals Amateur Radio

Membership of The Royal Signals Amateur Radio Society (RSARS) is open to anyone interested in amateur radio and who has completed service with the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom or certain other countries or is currently serving. They have over 1180 members worldwide.

In May 1952 the 1st Army Wireless Reserve Squadron, Cadre, Royal Signals was formed and Major Dennis W. J. Haylock (G3ADZ) was appointed Officer Commanding with a mandate to recruit personnel mainly from radio amateurs.

In 1954 the first proposal for the formation of an "Army Amateur Radio Society", a Society having both amateur status and, as with the United States' "Military Affiliate Radio System" (MARS), official recognition as an emergency military network was put forward by Brigadier Eric Cole (G2EC), then CSO Southern Command. This proposal was very favourably received but, because of G2EC's posting overseas, he was unable to supervise and monitor the Society's organisation, and the proposal was not proceeded with. By 1955 an Army Wireless Reserve Amateur Radio Society had been formed, a bi-annual news sheet entitled "Broadcast" issued to members and unit exercises and camps arranged to ensure that GB3AWR operated in various "rare" counties.

More history and amateur radio news and current events can be found at the ROYAL SIGNALS AMATEUR RADIO HOME PAGE

Yaesu Ham Radio Manufacturers

The Yaesu brand is well known among ham radio aficionados and is synonymous with premium quality ham radios. From stationary multi-feature communications equipment to portable devices, YAESU has consistently represented the best in communications equipment to the world's top DX'ers for almost half a century.

For more Yaesu ham radio news visit their website at

IRTS - The Irish Radio Transmitter Society

The IRTS - The Irish Radio Transmitter Society (IRTS) is the national society for Radio Experimenters in Ireland. Its purpose is to encourage radio experimentation, to provide services to experimenters and to represent their interests locally and internationally. The IRTS is the member society for Ireland of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). The Society is represented at major international conferences, and through the IARU has regular contact with sister societies worldwide. The IRTS has more than one thousand members. The administration of the Society, and all other work done by its officers on behalf of the Society and its members, is done on a voluntary basis.

More Irish Radio Transmitter Society can be found at the IRTS - The Irish Radio Transmitter Society website.

AMSAT - The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation

The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (as AMSAT is officially known) was first formed in the District of Columbia in 1969 as an educational organization. Its goal was to foster Amateur Radio's participation in space research and communication. AMSAT was founded to continue the efforts, begun in 1961, by Project OSCAR, a west coast USA-based group which built and launched the very first Amateur Radio satellite, OSCAR, on December 12, 1961, barely four years after the launch of Russia's first Sputnik.

Furher history and up-to-date radio amateur satellite news and views is available from AMSAT - The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation

Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society

The Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society was founded in 2000 by Jim Weidner, K2JXW, and is the only society devoted exclusively to Maritime Communications and Ham Radio, Lighthouses and Lightships. Purposes of the ARLHS are :

* To promote public awareness of the role ham radio and light beacons have played in assisting and maintaining safety at sea.

* To preserve the heritage and history of lighthouses and lightships

* To aid in preserving those lights in danger of destruction or decay

* To recognize the keepers of the lights as maritime heroes

* To foster camaraderie within the ham fraternity

* To provide fellowship amongst members of the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society


RAYNET - The Radio Amateurs' Emergency Network

The Radio Amateurs Emergency Network is the UK’s national voluntary communications service provided for the community by licensed radio amateurs. RAYNET was formed in 1953 following the severe East coast flooding, to provide a way of organising the valuable resource that Amateur Radio is able to provide to the community.

Since then, it has grown into a very active organisation with around 5000 members, providing communication assistance on many hundreds of events each year.

More at Radio Amateurs Emergency Network


Radio Amateurs of Canada

Amateur radio is ...
a form of communication; a hobby; a community service. It could be a school teacher in Nova Scotia making friends over the radio with another Radio Amateur in New Zealand; an Alberta teenager using her computer to upload a chess move through her radio which is retrieved by a fellow chess fan in Florida via an amateur radio space satellite; or a truck driver in Manitoba contacting Radio Amateurs in a hundred countries during a single weekend contest. Radio Amateurs also save lives as part of an emergency communications network.

Read all about the Radio Amateurs of Canada here.


Radio Society of Great Britain - UK Amateur Radio

The RSGB is a membership Society that represents the interests of Britain’s radio amateurs (or radio hams) both with government and internationally. Amateur radio is all about the skill and fascination of communicating using radio. Radio amateurs have their own communication satellites, talk to the international space station and are at the very cutting edge of technology in many areas. Amateur Radio is open to all, young or old. If you are contemplating any form of career in technology there is no better skill to have than that of being a radio amateur.

More about the RSGB at Radio Society of Great Britain - UK Amateur Radio - About HamCall

The HamCall database has been available in several different forms over the years. It all began in 1982, when HamCall was first published in soft cover book form (US only) with 1,027 8.5x11, pages. It sold for $12.95. The hardcopy continued in 1983 and in 1984 we did the book for the ARRL.

In 1982 we also produced the first Name Index (sequenced by last name) and also the Geographical Index (sorted by State & City). These additional volumes were over 500 pages each. They sold for $25.00.These were updated and printed again in 1985.

More info from - About HamCall


ARRL publishes the monthly journal QST, as well as newsletters and many publications covering all aspects of Amateur Radio. Its headquarters station, W1AW, transmits bulletins of interest to radio amateurs and Morse code practice sessions. The ARRL also coordinates an extensive field organization, which includes volunteers who provide technical information for radio amateurs and public-service activities. In addition, ARRL represents US amateurs with the Federal Communications Commission and other government agencies in the US and abroad. More info at: ARRLWeb: About the ARRL

Radio 2 Radio broadcasts amateur & HAM radio news and current events from around the world

Contact Radio Guy at to include your amateur or HAM radio news/event here